Saturday, April 11, 2009

Attempts at Spring Cleaning

Can someone please explain to me why the one weekend I finally get up the energy to get to Kmart and buy the last few curtain panels I need the store is OUT of them? I have lots of windows in my house, and if I had my druthers, there would be no curtains at all because I like lots of light. Unfortunately, no curtains means no privacy, and it was bad enough when I moved in two years ago and neighbors I've never spoken to talked in their driveway (I could hear their conversation from my living room window) about what color I'd chosen to paint the TV room. So curtains are, alas, a necessity.

I thought I would just do a window at a time, making things manageable. I didn't count on Kmart occasionally running out of whatever type of curtain I most needed. THIS time I figured I was safe. Nope. I came home yesterday four panels short and still needing three curtain rods. Grr!

So instead, I tore down wallpaper in the upstairs bathroom today.


Emy5 said...

Wow, you are doing more wallpaper removal. Good stuff, Sheila. Let me know if you want help.

I hope you find the rods and panels you need.

Also, I am sorry that I will not be able to come to Book Club tonight. Family in town!

Fletch said...

Wow, that is really funny...the part about your hearing your neighbors talk about your paint! (Did they like it?)

literaqueen said...

I'm not sure. They never really said. And come to think of it, I've never actually spoken with them. We've waved a couple times as one or the other has driven by, and their dog tried to bite me once.

Kelly said...

I am sorry to hear about your K Mart problems. Perhaps they sell them online? Wallpaper is never fun (taking down or putting up). I have heard of a great solution that makes it melt right off if you are having a hard time. Let me know!

literaqueen said...

Thanks, Kelly. This wallpaper's coming off pretty well so far, but I might get the product name from you for other rooms where the wallpaper's not so cooperative.