Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Who says cats don't got no talent?

Okay, MY cats have no talent, but THIS cat does:

Not that this cat is composing, but she's playing the piano. My cats just follow my hands in hopes of getting their ears scratched. They won't actually step on the keys; just the bench.

But if they could play, then they might let it go to their heads and get all prideful and stuff. We wouldn't want that.

In other news, I signed up to take steel drum lessons! They start September 11th. Every Friday until December 17th. Yay!


Tracy P. said...

Awesome! That will be the most fun EVER!!

Tracy P. said...

Awesome! That will be fun!

literaqueen said...

Hey, maybe I can get the cats to do steel drums . . . think that would get me on the Today show?

The Conductor said...

Wow, steel drums? I had no idea Sheila! That sounds like a lot of fun. Good for you!

Fletch said...

Steel drums, huh? How'd you come up with that?

literaqueen said...

I've been to several steel drum concerts in the past, and every time I've been to one I've thought, "Hey, that looks like so much fun. I wanna play!" I almost did it when I lived in Iowa but then didn't for some reason. Probably I was writing a dissertation or something silly like that. Now it's time to live the dream!