Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Making Pesto

The other morning when I was watering my tomatoes on the deck I realized that my basil plants were growing out of control. So Sunday after church I picked all the leaves that were big enough (and we're talking elephantine leaves, here) and made pesto.

Why didn't I just leave the basil on the plant? Readers should know me well enough to know I'm going symbolic here.

When I was in graduate school, my faculty advisor said that when bigger issues in my life are bothering me, I focus on details. That's pretty much what's going on now. Ten days until surgery and I'm making pesto- why?

Simple: making pesto is something I can control. It's predictable. It's also, in a weird way, a sort of nesting behavior. I've been spending pretty much every day since my surgery was scheduled trying to figure out what I can do in advance to get ready. More importantly, I'm trying to figure out what has to get done because I won't be able to do it while I'm recovering. It also occurred to me that when people ask, "Hey, how can I help?" I can maybe have a list ready to pull out. So here's my list of things I won't be able to do and will need help with:

Yard-- lots of subtopics here. I got the hedges trimmed and the front flowerbed weeded, and the rocks ejected from the rototilling of the garden are now moved off the lawn so somebody can mow (I don't think I'll need to mow before surgery). But MORE rototilling needs doing. I won't be able to lift the watering can (over 5 pounds), so somebody will have to keep tomatoes and all the potted plants on the deck alive.

Stair-related-- no stairs for at least two weeks. Washer and dryer are in the basement. Who wants to do laundry? Upstairs: kitty litter box #2 needs cleaning. Probably kitties will hack hair balls all over the upstairs floor because I won't be able to get up there to clean up.

Garbage can hauling
Getting the mail-- only a couple of steps, so maybe after a few days I'll be able to do this one
Meal prep-- not that I'll feel like eating much the first few days, but I still gotta eat.

Stuff involving lifting more than 5 pounds-- okay, so my book bag weighs more than I'll be able to lift. And, come to think of it, my laptop. And the cats (even though they're skinny). And pretty much any pots and pans.

I'd like the house to be clean before I'm stuck in it for several weeks. And I need to get my seminary room set up. And buy cute pajamas. And haul home every book I might possibly need to prepare my fall course syllabus.

I'm sure there are more things, including somebody making sure I'm okay the first few days when I'm still really whacked out on pain meds. I hate not being able to plan and predict. Gotta let that go. Maybe stock up on fun movies . . .? What am I missing?


CSIowa said...

Netflix. If you don't have it, you should get it. Put your computer on a table within reach (so you won't have to lift it), and spend some time getting your queue ready. By the time you're able to get the mail, it could contain 3 dvds to while away the day or night. Also, you can watch a lot of things online instantly with Netflix. I recommend it. MI-5 is my latest instant-viewing pleasure.

literaqueen said...

Yeah? Thanks! I forgot to blog my other dilemma: keeping the cats off my surgery area, which is where they love to sleep when I'm home and lying down. How do I keep them off without chasing them away completely? I do think kitty purring will make me feel better . . .

The Conductor said...

I admire your drive to focus on details and prepare so well for what's coming -- and I especially admire that you allow (invite!) others to help you out. Not always easy to ask for help. I only wish I could offer something besides prayers! I'll be thinking of you. Good luck with everything.

literaqueen said...

Prayers are awesome support, Amy. Thanks!

Fletch said...

It's been a while since I've made the "blog" rounds!

I wish we still lived close so I could come help out...and I definitely wouldn't have minded helping with the pesto. Yummo!