Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Roses in December

It's icky and grey outside today, so I thought we could all use a rose:

I had other pictures, but I mistakenly deleted them from my camera without verifying they were loaded to the computer. Oops. This was the first bush to bloom of the ones I planted in April. The BEST bush, though, was the one with candy cane striped roses.

But now the bushes are all covered up with snow. I followed the rose care directions and covered the canes with dirt and then wrapped up the branches with burlap. I hope they don't freeze. I want more roses next year!

On another note, what IS it about West Virginia that makes everybody freak out when a snowstorm is announced? Total run on the grocery stores. Okay, yes, we got eight or nine inches this time, but usually we get all of an inch. Why the panic? And why don't people shovel their driveways? The roads that got cleared (thank you, nice neighbor up the hill!) are dry pavement now. People who didn't shovel their driveways couldn't get out because of slush and then frozen slush overnight. Some Iowans need to come give these folks some road-clearing lessons, I think.

Enough with the ranting. Merry Christmas!


Twinmomwv said...

You only got 9 inches? No wonder you still had church. We got 15 at our house and our roads are still covered in icy slush. I was totally housebound for three days before the snow had gone down enough in our alley for me to actually get out.

Thanks for the rose!

literaqueen said...

So I rescind my complaint about West Virginians overreacting to snow-- it's only people in Morgantown who overreact. Are you able to drive around now?

CSIowa said...

I recently ran to Fareway to get some molasses the night before a big storm. There were lines all the way down the aisles. But my neighbors do clear the sidewalks, and sometimes they even clear mine. Most of them do their driveways, too.

literaqueen said...

EW- no fun! Was it worth it for the molasses?

Fletch said...

Not me. I'm not the Iowan to come give some snow-shoveling lessons. Maybe I belong in West Virginia.

Thanks for the picture of the rose. I needed it. I have the January-just-started-and-it's-four-degrees-below-zero-with-three-solid-months-of-winter-left-to-go blues today. Happy New Year! And make a run on a store prior to a snow storm for me, would ya?

literaqueen said...

Getting the store didn't quite happen today. Hope the snow holds off!

Kotab said...

just a random blog peruse-er.
I was amazed to come upon your blog, because my favorite LDS family lives in Asheville and used to live in the Utah area (though I know its common, its neat to see one on blogger). They love it in appalachia. I do too! I am also LDS and its nice to see a fellow LDS blogger talking about the church.


some random guy :)

The Conductor said...

My sister in North Carolina was just telling me today about their 2-hour school delay because of a threat of possible snow flurries. Too funny! We get 6 inches and -15 degree weather but my kids still have to go to school! (Only 5 more degrees down and we would've been good!) For some reason I don't remember Iowa winter roads much. But I do complain a lot about roads here in Illinois (rural Illinois, so I guess that explains it). Coming from Buffalo, where roads are plowed, scraped, and salted immediately, I can't say I'm impressed with how they do things here.

literaqueen said...

I keep being told the delays and cancellations are because of the hills. But if we PLOWED, that wouldn't be an issue, would it?