Friday, July 31, 2009

Post-Surgery Pros and Cons

I'm back!! And thanks to strategic positioning of pillows to keep cats from kneading on incisions, I can sit at the computer in relative comfort. I'd intended to write an entry about clear liquids cuisine before the surgery, but instead I got called to come into the hospital earlier than planned and then waited on a guerney for the extra hour I was asked to come in. I think most who know me already know surgery details, so I won't put them on my blog. I will, though, share a list of things I like/dislike about this whole process:


clear liquids the day before surgery-- the noodles saved from the Thai soup for later just weren't as satisfying eaten separately
colon cleansing-- if anyone recommends this, run away. Seriously. Who would do such a thing outside of a medical procedure?
catheters (hey, I have a consonant theme going here)-- I always thought you didn't feel any bladder pressure if you had a catheter. Not sure where that idea came from, but it was wrong. Post-surgery day with the catheter was not fun.
pain med nausea
sleeping on my back-- I WILL be able to sleep on my side again, I WILL!
the sound of a cat hacking up a hairball upstairs where I can't clean it up

Likes (this list will be longer):

a Pioneer Day song serenade during pre-operative prep. (thanks, Nancy!)
a much flatter abdominal area-- not that this is the best way to lose ten pounds, but I lost them
great conversations with friends who come to help during recovery
comfy jammies
care packages
meals brought in-- seriously, who would have guessed how many would come? I'm set for at least two weeks and it's only been one week
feeling stronger every day
napping whenever I feel like it (even though it's on my back)
love flooding my home

I have to admit I felt a little cheated when I realized that no family or close friends would be able to stay with me while I recovered. What I hadn't anticipated was all the wonderful friends here in Morgantown who would step in. I'm experiencing loss, but I'm also being so, so blessed at the same time. So if this experience were the only way to feel this love, would I do it again? You know, I think I would.


Fletch said...

Wow! Way to be positive!

I am glad everything went well and hopefully you'll be back on your feet (and sleeping on your side) again in no time.

Love ya...Jenn.

literaqueen said...

Thanks! I actually did sleep on my side for an hour before I realized that it hurt my hip (I must have a bruise or something from the surgery). I switched to the other side and it went much better.

Two trips to the mailbox today. Rah!

The Conductor said...

Wow, Sheila -- you have an amazing outlook. I'm so glad you are being taken care of and that you're recovering as well as you are. You've been in my prayers!

literaqueen said...

Thanks. I seriously think it's everybody's prayers that are making the difference on my healing.

Kate said...

I'm so glad you're being well taken care of and feeling better!