Saturday, December 5, 2009

What Not to Wear

Let's start this entry with a few Snuggie pictures that didn't make it into the official advertising materials. (Gee, I can't imagine why . . .)

First, two-headed Snuggie:

Next, Roman orator Snuggie:

And my personal favorite, "Ghost with No Hands" Snuggie:

Seriously, who wouldn't want one of these things? Look at the entertainment value! Now it's time for a fashion quiz. In which places would the above-shown Snuggie be appropriate attire?
a. my office
b. the seminary building, while teaching
c. the airport
d. on the Rail Trail, while jogging
e. my kitchen
f. at the bus stop
Would the world be a happier, more peaceful place if we all wore Snuggies? How about Snuggies along with footie pajamas? At least we'd be comfy and warm, right? Doesn't that count for something?


Phillip and Mary said...

you mean, what TO wear! Super cute!

Tracy P. said...

It brings a tear to my eye when I think of all those two headed people out there wearing thier snuggies.

Nettie said...

You crack me up, Sheila!

literaqueen said...

I almost dubbed that picture "the Siamese twin Snuggie" and then decided some Siamese twins out there might get offended. Oh, wait. . .

Fletch said...

I always wondered: Do they just hang open in the back? Or do they fasten? I won't purchase anything that is drafty in the rear. (Those pix were awesome!)

literaqueen said...

Yes, they're open at the back, which I find really annoying. I usually wear it "backwards," which basically means it's kind of like wearing a bathrobe without a tie at the waist. I guess the big selling point is that you can wrap up AND still use your arms.