Sunday, September 28, 2008

Tea for Shelley

See this pretty table? Yesterday I got to sit at it for a real live tea party. Okay, I drank lemonade rather than tea-- and yes, I was the only person present who didn't drink tea. But I drank that lemonade in a pretty Depression-era glass teacup, thank you very much.

So why was I at a tea party? Not usually what I do on a Saturday afternoon (half an hour before the party I was hurrying to mow my lawn before it started raining). This one was special. It was a "Tea for Shelley" fundraising tea party. The tea parties were started in the memory of a woman named Shelley Marshall who died in the September 11th attacks. Her husband wanted to do something to help his very young children remember their mother, something that would also benefit the community. Apparently Shelley loved tea parties, as well as art and music and poetry. The tea parties raise money for community arts events, especially poetry readings. I couldn't pass up the opportunity. Pretty hats, cute little quiches and cucumber sandwiches, and an hour of calm, happy conversation, plus a very cute little decorated cookie as a party favor. Now why don't I live in England where I could do this more often? Hmm. . .


Fletch said...

What a great idea! I love a fundraiser. Just great!

literaqueen said...

I think it's fun to get together and eat fancy, pretty foods, fundraiser or not.