Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sushi Night!!

I've been wanting to put together a Relief Society cooking group for months. A week ago we finally did it. Yay for sushi rolling in my dining room! Look how much fun people had:

One person knew what she was doing. The rest of us just played around with seaweed, sushi rice, veggies, and bamboo roll-up thingies. We mostly stuck to California rolls so that we didn't have to risk some kind of weird food poisoning due to poor seafood handling. A few brave souls put smoked salmon or fake crab meat in their rolls, but mostly we did avocado, cucumber, and Daikon radish. The wasabi peanuts Jen brought weren't a hit with everyone. Some of us got a little addicted, though . . .

Don't these look pretty?

Look, a rare appearnce of ME on my own blog! My sushi rolls kept coming out square for some reason, but they still tasted good. The beautiful thing about sushi night: sushi's not so scary to make after all, and it's fun to cook with lots of people.

Next month: homemade pasta. Come learn with us!


literaqueen said...

Oops-- I meant to say "appearance." Honestly, I can proofread. I really can.

Karen Macauley said...

Hey, you did it! It's fun, is it not? I keep all the ingredients on hand now - all I usually need is an avocado, and we can feed our sushi craving at a moment's notice. Bliss.


Kelly said...

Don't really care for sushi but I'd come to the pasta making in a heartbeat.

Fletch said...

I LOVE sushi. Love, love, love it. I want some now, darn it.

It's fun to see a picture of you, too. Enjoy your California roll!

literaqueen said...

Kelly-- I'm only three and a half hours away . . . come make pasta November 5th! Or maybe once I learn how to do it I can teach you next time I'm in your neck of the woods.

Jenn-- will your kids eat sushi? Maybe that can be Laura's next cooking lesson.

The Conductor said...

I'm not really a sushi fan, but somehow you made me one tonight! Those look and sound REALLY good to me right now. Mmmmm...

Looks like a great RS group to join. Wish I could! Maybe you can keep posting pictures (and recipes?) so the rest of us don't feel so left out -- whaddya think?

literaqueen said...

Yeah, I could post recipes-- when we actually use them. We didn't use recipes for the sushi other than some ingredients listed in the book Sushi for Dummies (seriously-- I bought it at Barnes & Noble to get ready for the event).