have NOTHING on me when it comes to home repair! Look what I did this afternoon:
Okay, come on-- you're impressed, right? Admit it! I am learning to master basic home repairs. Well, so it took me a year of dealing with the bucket under the leaky pipes to finally get fed up and decide to fix it . . . but it was easier than replacing the toilet and shut-off valve. But that's a story for another entry. I meant for the picture without pipes to be on the left-- it got switched somehow. Still learning to master the technology . . .
Impressive. I know that every time I attempt to work on any project, it takes me about 4x longer than it is supposed to.
I love the heading to this entry. Also, I thought the subtitle to your blog was fantastic. I want my life to be less predictable! How does one go about getting that sort of an experience?
BEAUTIFUL job, miss Sbeila B.! You are a home repair god-dess!!!!!
Nice work, Sheila B. You are a home repair goddess!!
When I took the old pipes to Lowe's, the worker helping me looked at them and said, "Hmm, those look jerry-rigged together." My response: "Everything in this house is jerry-rigged." So this project actually was relatively short compared to most (I'll publish the toilet valve saga soon and you'll see what I mean).
You want less predictable? I think it just happens. I'm certainly not trying to invite the randomness. Some predictability these days sounds really nice.
I'm impressed with your efforts and your fortitude! Of course fortitude is important when you are a home-owner, especially a single female home-owner!
I hadn't thought "fortitude"-- more like "nobody else is around to do it, so I'd better figure it out." The cats stink at home repairs. They like to supervise, but they aren't good with tools.
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