Monday, August 18, 2008

Return of the wind-up sushi

First, a bit of backstory: My dad underwent an esophagectomy in August 2005. I sent him a Halloween cheer-up/get-well package a couple of months later. The package included a wind-up sushi toy. I don't know why I got it; I just thought it was funny. I brought it home and my cats went crazy over it. They'd bat it down the stairs, carry it in their mouths to the kitchen to bat it some more, hide it under the couch, and generally amuse themselves to no end.

After Dad died and we were going through the house, I wanted the wind-up sushi toy. I couldn't find it anywhere. I guess some lucky estate sale customer got it as a bonus with the master bedroom dresser set.

Now fast forward to August 2008. I'm in Trolley Square Mall, doing a little post-dinner browsing at a fun toy store. They had wind-up sushi toys! I had to get one. The video clip accompanying this entry shows my cats' reaction. Let me just point out that immediately after I shut the camera off and the sushi stopped spinning, Alice smacked it-- HARD-- across the living room floor. They still like to play with it, but they want the movement to be on their terms, I guess. Sushi, anyone?


Fletch said...

Perhaps they should market wind-up sushi toys for 1 year-olds.

literaqueen said...

I think the toy was intended for 1 year-olds, actually. Cats are perpetual toddlers, right? Maybe it's all a plot to get kids interested in sushi later in their lives . . .

Emy5 said...

Cute clip of your cats, and with a toy that reminds you of other times. You must be pleased to have found a SUSHI TOY. Great find!

literaqueen said...

I wish the store weren't all the way in Utah. They had all sorts of fun types of rubber duckies, too.

Olive Kite said...

That's great!