Sunday, March 29, 2009

Spring is here!

Here are the first few crocuses in my flowerbeds. I took this picture a couple of weeks ago, before the daffodils and hyacinths had woken up. The flowerbed looks much better than this now-- gotta take more pictures. I'm just happy that the flowers are finally starting to bloom.

Yesterday morning I went to put something in the mailbox for pick-up and saw a dog mess in my front yard. THAT has never happened before. Since I was cleaning up that, I figured I'd clean up all the messes in the back yard while I was at it. (The neighbors' FIVE dogs apparently think my yard is theirs-- or at least their toilet.) Announcement to the blogosphere: I am PUTTING UP A FENCE very soon! I'm tired of dog messes and I'm tired of a Doberman thinking it needs to come into my yard and bark at me for disturbing its territory. Uh, excuse me, who's alpha here? That would be me.

Anyhow, so I also cleaned up all the random branches that had blown down onto the lawn. I wanted to clean up flowerbeds, but I ran out of time. It just felt so good to be outside, and it felt even better getting things cleaned up. I feel like this past week a part of me has come out of hibernation. I understand better this year why Easter and spring go together. Growing up in California where there is either rain or no rain but the temperature doesn't really change, I didn't appreciate spring properly. Now every year I'm hungry for spring. I need to see the greening grass and the buds on the trees. Spring= hope, and hope connects with Christ's resurrection. I suppose Christ could have chosen to be resurrected at any point in the year, but I think it's significant that he chose spring, when the world is waking up again after cold and darkness.


Fletch said...

Yeah, I never cared much for spring when I lived in Vegas (because by then it was in the 90's). But in Iowa, spring has become a spiritual thing to me.

Sorry about the doberman. I would so be putting up a fence if I were you!

The Conductor said...

I have to agree with all things Spring you've mentioned here. These very same ideas have been passing through my mind lately, too! (Only our flowers in Illinois must be waking up a couple weeks later than their relatives in West Virginia. It was only days ago I noticed the first sign of green in our flowerbeds!) Hooray for Hope! (And warmth, light, the sun/Son, etc!)

literaqueen said...

And with Conference weekend, hurray that I can be home to clean up flowerbeds!

Kelly said...

Spring is definitely one of my favorite seasons. Nothing is better than warm temps after a long Iowa winter. Wouldn't you agree? I suggest putting the dog poop on their front steps. Maybe they will get the hint.

BTW the monkey in the box was bought online from Land of Nod. A favorite toy/bedding & such website of mine. Thanks for all your comments on my blog! You are really showering me with bloggy love while reading through my archives. I hope you are enjoying yourself. Since you are literaqueen I want to go back and check for grammar problems. No time though : )

literaqueen said...

The problem with putting the dog poop on the neighbors' front porch-- other than that it isn't very Christlike an act-- is that their big, scary dogs wouldn't let me anywhere NEAR the front porch.

I'm kind of a maniacal commenter-- what I love most about blogs is how interactive they are, so yeah, I comment lots. How many links are left on the countdown chain?